

I'm on that inexcusable high that happens when I finish a particularly satisfying book. However, it has been tainted with a strong sense of "What the bloody hell happens next?!" Luckily there are already sequels, but unfortunately I do not have them right now as it is the middle of the night. The first thing I will do tomorrow is go out to Book City and buy my own copy, as the one I have now is on loan from my cousin, and it's sequel. Which I probably shouldn't since I currently have no job and limited funds, not to mention that I spent a lot of money on crack, I mean yarn in the last few weeks.

The book is called Twilight, by Stephanie Meyer, it's aimed at young teens probably. The writing isn't stellar and there are a few points where she just goes over things a little more than completely necessary, but the story is fun and new. I won't tell you too much, but I'll tell you this much. Vampires. In love. With humans. Anyone who has ever watched Buffy or Angel and enjoyed it will like this book. It's thick, almost 500 pages, but it's quick. I started reading around 8, and finished at 1:30. But I'm told that I read exceptionally fast, and I knew from the start that I was not going to be able to put it down. It was very exciting. I will have to call Katie tomorrow and have mini freak-out on the phone. After I read it again.


Unknown said...

You finished the book in 2AM :) it has to be interesting ...

Anonymous said...

my sister loved that book