

My goodness it is late. I am on the verge of my first academic all nighter. I have stayed up all night for various other reasons, Lord of the Rings marathon, the last night of frosh week, Horatio Hornblower movie marathons, the list goes on. But this is the first time I've stayed up to the wee hours doing work. I got a surprisingly large amount of work done. The task at hand was a 2500 word essay on the English Civil War in 1642. I got the word count surprisingly quickly, the final count being 2824, including my works cited and footnotes. I think this is also the first time I've actually exceeded a word count, usually I fall a hundred or so words short. My bigger worry is whether or not the thing makes any sense, but that's less the fault of having written it in the past 24 hours than the fact that I rarely know what I'm trying to say. Not exactly the best thing for university essays. However, I was surprised at how easy it was to write so much compared to my English essays. It is kind of making me think that I maybe should apply to have History as my second major instead of English. There are so many decisions to make! Is a double major and a minor too much? Maybe I could major in Fine Arts Cultural Studies and History and minor in English. But then that would definentally mess up my plans for going to Wales next year. I'm planning having to take at least a few courses in a fifth year, if I did I could totally do a minor.

Enough with my boring academic headaches. My real decision is whether or not to sleep for a few hours before my 10:30 class, or to just stay up untill then. I think I may sleep. I can't think of what I would do for another 4 hours. If I sleep for two, then I can get up, look over the dratted thing, print it off and hand it in, then sleep the rest of the day away before I have to porter from 5-10, after which I plan on getting throughly shmammered. And finally be able to knit without guilt. *le sigh* I can't wait. I can finish Sam's octopus, the hood/scarf, start Kim's minisweater, the bind-off on mom's Baudelaire's, Claire's socks, maybe the monkey backpack. Dear lord I've got a lot of WIP's. And I know that there are more I'm not going to even mention. Tomorrow's portering shift will be the shift of finished objects, on the plate will be the octopus, mom's socks, the backpack and the hood/scarf. All of them are so close to being finished, it's not even funny.

Now I lay me down to sleep....

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