
"Haha!" said the minisweater.

This is the picture in which the almost-finished-minisweater laughs at the almost-finished-hand because she knows that she will be finished first. Even though the hand is due tomorrow. And while we have 4 hours to work on it in class, I should probably at least sketch out it's twin before class. All this and I know that I just want to finish my minisweater!


E said...

wow you have the crazy skills at drawing hands! I'm super impressed! Are you going to come out to the Olympic pubnight? (Friday 7pm Duke of York @ St George Stn?)

E said...

I go to the SnB @ Lettuce Knit (Kensington Market). It isn't fair to really call it my "first time" since I'm really good friends with a bunch of the people there - I just have to work at MY knitting store on Wednesday's usually. It's a really relaxed place, we chill out until 10pm. Although I know there are some places (like Knitomatic) that have SnB's that are closer to York.

City Wiccan said...

Wow! This is way more amazing than I imagined . . . however, I didn't really know what to imagine because I've never seen your drawings. Excellent job!!