

I have very little patience anymore for York University. After four years and a fair amount of money one would think that a certain amount of attachment would develop. Unfortunately I feel like one half of one of those strange emotionally abusive relationships. You know the ones, where your friend is sticking it out even though there is no apparent reason to stay. Yet she is able to see no fault, all those irritating horrible things are endearing and that's just his way, and it was only that one time and yadda yadda yadda. Strikes only happen once every three years, luckily they canceled my program in my last year, and that hour long commute isn't that bad...

I've long since woken up and smelled the coffee, but yesterday was the icing on the cake. I had an 8:30am class, a five hour break, then a 4:30pm class, two hours off, and a tutorial at 8:30. I am fully aware that this is a crappy schedule, however it was the only way I could get two classes on one day and avoid having to go up twice. This is my problem and I know it. Yesterday however, what was bad got worse. I went to my 8:30 am class and loved it, the prof is going to be awesome, the assignments are great and there is only one text. We got out early, which was expected as it's the first day, and I proceeded to bum around for 6.5 hours. I knit, I ate my lunch, I had a smoothie, I thought about a new pattern and how I would write a post on how to survive commuting to York, and all the things I take with me. I took pictures. I bought the text for the afternoon class and read half the first article.

Then, at the appointed time, I went to class. I read the whole Now Magazine, I pulled out my sock and knit some more. I chatted to the girl next to me. At about 5pm it became painfully obvious that I had wasted my time. While I was certainly in the right class, and so were the other 75 people waiting in that room, it appeared that the prof was not. No one knew where he was. No one had been emailed or otherwise contacted about why he was not there. One thing was certain and it was that there would be no class that day.

So after having not gone to school for three months last year because of the TA strike, my prof seems to be a little behind on realizing that school is back on, and that means that he has to show up like the rest of us.

In response I have only this to say....

Dear York,

Shove it.

(un)Love, me.

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